Dogs For Sale

Security and Police Dogs For Sale, Personal Protection Dogs For Sale and Trained Dogs For Sale
TOTAL K9 ® have security dogs and protection dogs for sale. View our police, prison dogs and Foundation trained Puppies available.
This page is to give you as a potential client the chance to view our Personal Protection Dogs, Police, Prison & Security Dogs, Trained Adult Pet Dogs and finally Foundation Trained Puppies that we have available.
Sometimes we will have other options than just the dogs you see here, but this is a good guideline as to the quality of dogs we can provide.
It's always worth while calling us direct to have an informal chat so we can tailor specific requirements. Call us on 01377 267 372 right now!
Our Dogs For Sale:
Our protection dogs for sale - UK
Our protection dogs are estate and business guardians for your protection. Our dogs have perfect structure and health and they are world class bloodlines, reliable and loyal. All our protection dogs are individually tailored to suit our clients' needs. All of our trained dogs are excellent with children and will ignore other pets and animals. Check the following link button to see all our available protection dogs for sale.

Our personal protection dogs for sale - UK
Here, At TOTAL K9 we provide personal protection dogs for sale with delivery to almost anywhere in the United Kingdom. We have a goal; to ensure that every dog we work with becomes a permanent, beloved, trusted and happy member of his/her family and a personal protection dog.

Our family protection dogs for sale - UK
We supply family protection dogs for sale that are safe around others, whether it is your family or associates. In today’s society burglars are becoming more sophisticated and people will always find a way to bypass technology whether it is a simple lock or a sophisticated alarm. The one thing they cannot avoid is a TOTAL K9 ® family protection dog. A dog that will defend your family should the need arise.

Our security and police dogs for sale - UK
We supply only top quality working police dogs with the desired traits and drives for this line of work. TOTAL K9 ® also offer one to one Security dog training for dog handlers who have a front line SIA license and a suitable working dog please get in touch to find out and have an informal chat about your requirements.