Owning a protection dog is a true gift as you’ll enjoy a faithful companion that you can depend on for many years. However, there is a lot of responsibility that comes with owning these dogs, especially as they start to get older. To make sure that your protection dog remains fit, healthy and happy, you […]
Category: Dog training
Owning a protection dog is a fantastic way to invite a new member of the family into your home while also adding an extra level of defence. These dogs are more than just animal companions – they are highly trained to help protect you, your family and your property. If you’re thinking about bringing a […]
Bringing a dog into your home is an incredibly rewarding and enriching experience for you and your family. It can bring your family closer together, provide you with a loyal companion and can even help bolster the home with a useful deterrent against intruders. However, building a strong relationship with your canine companion takes a […]
What Makes a Good Protection Dog?
A protection dog is a highly trained dog that can be used for personal safety, property security and a range of specialised purposes. Their training makes them versatile and well-suited to family life as well as working life. If you’re considering a protection dog, it’s really important to understand the key qualities that make them […]
Protection dogs have different abilities compared to standard pets and require specific training to ensure they can safeguard their owners while being safe, controlled, and reliable. If you’re considering training your dog for protection or have a trained guard dog in the UK, it’s really important to know the right commands that will make them […]
How to Train a Dog Quickly
Training your dog is an involved process that requires a good amount of understanding of dog behaviour, patience and consistency. If you’re looking to train your dog as quickly as possible, then intensive training is a viable option – but it takes a fair amount of commitment. By instilling the right behaviours in your dog, […]
In a world where the bond between humans and their canine companions is cherished, the need for professional dog training services has never been greater. Total K9 stands tall in this realm, offering a comprehensive array of training programs designed to unlock the full potential of every dog, from family pets to security professionals. Understanding […]
Is a Boxer a Good Guard Dog?
When considering a dog breed for both companionship and home security, the Boxer emerges as a popular choice. Known for their muscular build, boundless energy, and distinctive appearance, Boxers are more than just loyal pets; they possess qualities that can make them excellent guard dogs. However, their suitability for this role depends on several factors […]
Destructive behaviour in dogs can be a frustrating and potentially expensive issue for pet owners. Whether it’s chewing on furniture, digging up the garden, or tearing apart shoes, these behaviours can cause significant stress. So in this post, we’ll learn how to stop destructive behaviour in dogs so that you and your dog can enjoy […]
Is Submissive Behaviour in Dogs Bad?
Understanding the behaviour of dogs is important for pet owners, as it helps foster a healthy and happy relationship between them and their furry companions. Submissive behaviour is one of the key aspects often observed in canine interactions. But, is submissive behaviour in dogs bad? Let’s explore this question to gain a clearer understanding. Understanding […]
Dominance in dogs is often misunderstood as a personality trait when, in fact, it is more about a dog’s perception of its place in the social hierarchy. Protection dogs that display dominant behaviour may do so because they are trying to assert control over a situation or other individuals within the home. This can manifest […]
Understanding the behavioural differences between male and female dogs can be a vital aspect of pet ownership. Recognizing these distinctions can lead to a better bond between the owner and the pet, and can provide valuable insights when it comes to training and care. Physical Maturity and Hormones The most prominent factor that influences dog […]
Training a dog is not just about teaching commands, but also about building a bond of trust and understanding between the pet and its owner. The length of a training session can greatly influence its effectiveness. Here’s what you need to know about timing your dog’s training sessions. Understanding a Dog’s Attention Span Dogs, especially […]
A protection dog is more than just a pet; it is a member of your family that provides an invaluable layer of security. The concept of protection dogs goes beyond the guard dog stereotype; these animals are trained to be well-behaved, loyal, and attentive. The Advantages of Having a Protection Dog From a more secure […]
Raising a dog for the purpose of protection involves specialised training, socialisation, and care to ensure that the animal is both a loving family member and a reliable guardian. At TOTAL K9 ® we believe that unlike traditional pet dogs, protection dogs need to balance loyalty and affection with keen instincts and courage. Here are […]
Protecting your family and property is of the utmost importance. One way to enhance security is by having a guard dog. Choosing the right guard dog for your family involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure the safety and compatibility of the dog with your household. Here’s a guide to help you in this […]
Walking your dog can be an enjoyable and healthy activity, but it can quickly turn into a frustrating experience if your furry friend constantly pulls on the leash. However, with the right training techniques and consistency, you can teach your dog to walk politely on a leash. In this post, we’ll go over some helpful […]
Dogs are known for their loyal and protective nature, but sometimes this can turn into possessive behaviour. When a dog becomes possessive over their toys, food, or even their owner, it can lead to aggressive behaviour and become a problem. However, there are ways to stop this behaviour and ensure a happy and safe environment […]
How to Teach Your Dog to “Leave It”
Teaching your dog the “leave it” command is an important part of proper canine training. This command can help keep your pup safe in potentially dangerous situations, as well as help you maintain control in potentially chaotic situations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to teaching your dog to “leave it.” Start With Basic Training Before you […]
Having a security dog is an effective way to protect your home and family. While owning a security dog can provide peace of mind, there are also certain responsibilities that come with it. In this blog, we will discuss the responsibilities of owning a security dog, as well as the benefits. Training The most important […]
What age can you train a dog?
Puppies learn surprisingly quickly and you can usually start training them at the age of around eight weeks. Their initial training should be very basic and simple. Keep training sessions brief at this stage, starting off at around five minutes. Always use positive reinforcement and never use fear. End each session on a positive note. […]
How to train your dog to guard you
One of the reasons dogs really are man’s best friend is that they can help us in many ways – as a companion, as a guide, or in some cases, as a protector. For some dog owners, especially those living in areas of the world where walking early in the morning or late at night […]
Training your dog to walk on leash
Learning to walk on leash is a challenge for many dogs, especially when they are young and hyperactive. This is why encouraging your dog to be calm through positive reinforcement
Heel training
One of the basic obedience commands that all dogs should learn early is to heel both on and off the leash. Heel is one of the most difficult techniques for puppies to learn but the rewards make it worthwhile.
How to start training a puppy
Once puppies reach eight weeks of age, they have the ability to remember instructions you give them. Therefore, you can actually start training them very early on in your dog’s life.
Teaching your dog to bark on command
Teaching your dog to bark on command is a good skill for them to perfect. If you want to teach your dog to bark for reasons of protection and security, there are effective ways for you to teach your dog to bark without worrying about them barking non-stop for minutes on end.
Effective guard dogs breeds
Certain breeds of dogs are born with instincts that make them more effective as guard dogs. The traits you want are things like a strong sense of loyalty, high
Training your pup to bark to let you know they need to go outside and relieve themselves is one of the most practical and useful things you’ll teach them. And it may just prevent puddles on the floor…or worse
Training a dog is a significant challenge for owners, requiring a significant amount of time and attention to
Does residential dog training work?
Dogs are beautiful, unique creatures but can be hectic sometimes when your dog is jumping on visitors in the house, stealing food from the table, barking uncontrollably or escaping and getting injured many times.
There are many different opinions about when to start training your new puppy, however, the common consensus is that training should start as soon as possible. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of training
Most dogs are trainable with a little persistence. Eventually, they understand and start responding to your commands. Sometimes, though, at-home training doesn’t work, despite your best efforts, leaving you feeling confused. At that point, you need residential dog training; expert dog training done by experts on your behalf, away from your home, at a specialist facility.
What sort of training works best for puppies? The arrival of a puppy in your home is guaranteed to lift your spirits as they are full of energy and excitement.
We are immensely proud of the reputation we have built up over many hard years of work training dogs for personal protection, security services and the police force.
Whether you have just adopted your brand new family member or brought home your 8-week old puppy, it’s all new and exciting for everyone involved. The whole family, including the newest member, is buzzing with happiness and bright thoughts for the future…
Common dog training mistakes
Dog training is certainly a journey. Having a pooch who listens to you is every dog owner’s dream; but unfortunately, it doesn’t always go perfectly. However, if you feel like you’ve made a mistake with dog training, don’t worry! The first step is realising what the mistake was, and then you can take steps to […]
What is residential dog training?
Residential dog training resolves a dog’s behavioural issues by having them live away from home, with professional trainers, for a short time. Issues resolved by residential dog training range from barking, poor recall, jumping up and lead-pulling, to anxiety, biting and aggression. Our expert team use proven methods including
Is it too late to train my dog?
There’s no denying that it’s best to get residential dog training when your dog is still young. But, while most people believe that once you’ve missed this window, that’s it, we’re here to inform you that this is not the case! Don’t give up just yet, as a dog can learn at any stage of […]
Many couples will have a dog long before they have a baby. While your baby will of course take priority, it is important not to neglect the feelings of your dog at this time. A new addition to the home will be an extremely disruptive experience for them too, especially if they’ve lived there for […]
3 ways to entertain your dog
Having a guard dog doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy quality time with them. Entertaining a dog is the best way to build a stronger bond between both of you. Building this bond will help gain your dog’s trust, making them the perfect companion. Here are three ways to entertain and update your dog’s daily routine.
Like humans, dogs can feel anxious. It might be because you’ve picked your dog up from an adoption centre and now you’re trying to figure each other out. Or maybe there’s something in the home that’s causing your dog to feel anxious. Along with enrolling your dog onto our residential dog training boot camp, there […]
Our guide to dog training bootcamps
Does your dog need to attend a dog training bootcamp? Would your dog benefit from regular training in an intensive environment? Some dogs require more training than others and might find it hard to settle down around other dogs or people. Taking a dog out of their comfort zone and away from their owners might […]
The British love their pets. They own around 51 million of them and spend an average of £1,150 a year on pampering them. You may not be surprised to hear that one of the biggest growth sectors in the huge market for pet products is clothes for dogs! Yet one of the biggest questions that […]
As a dog owner, it is important to tackle any dog training problems as soon as you notice them. This will avert a situation where they become life-long problems for you and your canine friend. Some dog training facilities don’t require the owner’s presence during dog training. However, if you have the time, you could […]
Does your dog shred all the cushions in the home the moment your back is turned? Do they embarrassingly forget all their toilet training when there are lots of guests in the home? Do they change from a laid-back and friendly at home pup to a trembling and growling out of control terror once you
At TOTAL K9 ®, we’re big fans of positive reinforcement as a way of building a great relationship between dogs and their owners. Positive reinforcement means rewarding your dog for good behaviour and ignoring the behaviour you do not like. It’s a great starting point for many pets, owners find it easy to continue what […]
Our dog training methods
Here at TOTAL K9 ® LTD, we believe that every dog is genuinely unique and deserves the absolute best care. We provide a wide range of dog training services and packages for family pets as well as working dogs. We tailor our service to every dog’s specific needs and requirements. We cover the whole of […]
For those new to the world of dog ownership, it may be a good idea to opt for a breed that is easily trainable and will adapt to a new home quickly. While every dog has its own individual personality, of course, it is simply a fact that dogs belonging to certain breeds are more […]
A well-trained dog is a happy dog.
A well-trained dog is a happy dog. Dogs are social animals that respond well to an authoritative owner who has put the effort into showing a dog what their role is and when and where they are expected to perform it. When attending dog training classes, a dog will learn obedience to their owner, but […]
A dog can be a person’s best friend or its worst nightmare, and it all comes down to how well behaved your canine pet is. Regardless of the breed, the age or the gender, to truly enjoy the company of your dog you should take time to