Getting a new puppy is an exciting time as new pups are hyper, cute and lots of fun. However, it can be easy to forget about proper dog training as you play with your adorable new arrival, but good training is key to a well behaved adult dog. Once your puppy grows up, mischievous behaviour stops being cute – well, sometimes. Read on for some great puppy training tips.
Give your puppy a safe space
Set aside a corner in your home that belongs to the new pup. Like humans, dogs need alone time and a place to feel safe as well. This can be in the form of a crate, which is a lockable cage the dog can retreat into, or a simple dog bed.
It is a good idea to get into the habit of going out for a daily walk or walks as soon as your dog has finished getting vaccinated and the vet gives you the all clear. As well as burning up excess puppy energy, you will get into a good routine of exercising your dog every day, which is necessary no matter how cold or wet the weather is.
Teach young children how to treat the new puppy
When you get a new puppy, your children will no doubt be delighted, but it’s important you explain to them how to act so they don’t upset the dog, as this could result in biting. Make sure little ones remain calm and don’t shout or squeal around the puppy. If they want to stroke the dog, they should do it gently and without sneaking up on the animal. It should go without saying, but ear and tail pulling is a definite no.
Enrol in dog training classes
The best way to train your new puppy is to enrol in dog training classes and get advice and tips from the professionals. If you want a happy, well socialised adult dog then dog training classes are a must. Total K9 is one of the best companies in the business and can help with all your puppy training needs today, including commands (sit and down), toilet training, recall, and walking on a lead.