Security, Prison & Police Dogs For Sale

Working Police Dogs For Sale - Police, Prison & Security Sector
We provide police dogs for sale, security dogs, prison dogs and protection dogs in UK to every town, village of England, Scotland or Wales.
We have the experience and expertise to train and supply working service dogs to the police, prison and security sector or to source green dogs for potential clients (a green dog would be a dog showing good working attributes, good nerves and drives etc for this type of work) our dogs are trained within the British Standards BS 8517-
We supply only top quality working dogs with the desired traits and drives for this line of work. TOTAL K9 ® also offer one to one Security dog training for dog handlers who have a front line SIA license and a suitable working dog please get in touch to find out and have an informal chat about your requirements.
Please see below the British standard for the use of a security patrol dog.
British Standard
BS 8517-
BS 8517-
BS 8517-
Contents of BS 8517-1:
- Foreword
- Scope
- Normative references
- Terms and definitions
- Administration
- Kennelling/husbandry
- Health and welfare of the dog
- Equipment and clothing
- Training
- Operational requirements
- Transportation and on-
site kennelling - Sale or gift of dogs
- Bibliography
Speed & Power

Civil & Level

High Levels of Focus

Loyal & Reliable